An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test that measures the electrical activity in the brain (brain waves). During the test small, round shaped discs with wires (electrodes) are placed on the scalp. The electrodes (stickers) are not painful to your child. An EEG usually takes about 60 to 90 minutes. AWC Dubai has advanced machinery that allows for painless and easy EEG procedures.
Your child may need this test to check for signs of:
EEGs is usually requested for children having developmental delays or symptoms such as loss of consciousness, abnormal movements or behavior. The EEG will help identify if seizures or other brain conditions are the cause of the symptoms.
To get the most information from this test, our highly trained professionals record the EEG while your child is awake and asleep. During the test, the electrical activity of your child’s brain is recorded on a computer and is stored on the disc and may be printed on paper for review by the neurologist. The technologist may also use a video camera to record your child’s physical activity to match with brain waves to have more accurate diagnosis. You can stay with your child in the testing room. Your child can bring a favorite toy, such as a stuffed animal, for comfort.
The test takes about 90 minutes. We may also order a video EEG to give more time to study the brain waves. The procedure is the same but may last 6 to 8 hours or overnight (if necessary, in certain cases).
Once the test is done, our technologist removes the electrodes and wash off the glue. It can be done by washing with normal soap and water. Your child can return to his or her normal routine immediately.
Our western qualified and highly trained child neurologist at AWC Dubai will read the EEG and report the finding. You have to schedule a follow-up appointment with your child’s clinician who initially requested the EEG to review the results of the test and offer you a treatment plan based on diagnosis.
We recommend following up with your child’s clinician and stick to the treatment plan to get the optimum results of the treatment.
If your child has seizures during specific situations (e.g. during sleep) please speak to your doctor or the EEG staff about the information for the EEG recording. It may or may not be possible to record an EEG during the seizure episode, which is beneficial as this is when the most useful information can be found.
Before testing, the EEG technologist will ask a few questions about your child even though you may have already given this information to your doctor.
In rare cases, an EEG may cause seizures in a child with a seizure disorder. This is from the flashing lights or the deep breathing that may be needed during the test. If you notice signs that your child may be having a seizure or seizure like movement, tell the technologist right away.
Visit American Wellness Center in Dubai Healthcare City or give us a call today.
To prepare for an EEG:
During the EEG:
An EEG can help diagnose various neurological conditions, including: