Performance Assistance

What it is?

Performance assistance is offered to school children dealing with performance problems during school years without a clue to the problem. Our Educational psychologists aim to understand the learning strategies of your child and find ways to improve learning outcomes.  At American Wellness Center based in Dubai Healthcare City, we work with children and teenagers to identify strengths and weaknesses, help them tap into their existing resources, and build on strategies to overcome challenges and improve performance based on the realistic approach. Our performance assistance programs are designed beyond the classroom to other aspects of daily living, such as stress management and building resilience and self-confidence to enhance performance in all areas.

Why early intervention is so important?

The learning difficulties are identified early on and an effective intervention program is started, there is a better the chance of improving long term outcomes.In fact, research shows that when the right learning strategies and support are put in place early enough, positive results can be quickly achieved and maintained over the long period. Our research-based performance assistance programs help:

  • Prevent the development of further learning difficulties
  • Reduces emotional problems and self-esteem issues associated with performance

What we offer at AWC?

At American Wellness Center Dubai our western qualified neuro psychologists and educational psychologist offer intervention program tailored to each child’s specific strengths and weaknesses in their “learning profile”.

To get the full benefit of this performance assistance program our professionals also offer and recommend school assessments (click able to our school assessments page) as the first step.

How can our performance  assistance program support students?

A comprehensive performance assistance program will address the answers to these key questions:

  • What level are they are currently achieving at with their academic skills? (Compared with what is expected for their age and year level).
  • What might be they potentially can achieve?
  • Which learning strategies and interventions are likely to be most helpful at school and at home?

Our highly qualified professionals design personalized program where they provide you and your child and make recommendations to school to adopt right learning strategies at school and at home to get the maximum results. Our educational psychologist also talks to child during an interview / discussion session and equip them with the greater insight into how they learn better and reach their full learning potential.

Cognitive assistance to address underlying issues with key skills such as:
  • Processing speed
  • Auditory processing
  • Verbal learning issues
  • Non-verbal learning issues
Achievement assistance in key academic areas such as:
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Spelling
  • Mathematics
  • Oral language

This program is offered by our very highly qualified child neuro psychologists, educational psychologists and child psychiatrist having extensive experience in learning assessment and intervention.

If a full learning assessment (School assessment click able to our school assessment page ) is appropriate they will explain the process and give you the option of booking the service.

Who are the best candidates for performance assistance?

  • Mixing up or reversing letters or jumbling sentences
  • Difficulties with numbers, symbols or maths problems
  • Struggling to clearly express ideas in writing
  • Difficulty remembering key concepts and facts
  • Difficulty focusing on work or paying attention in class

If any of these sound familiar, it’s essential to find out what is happening with a child’s learning skills as early as possible.

Visit us at Dubai Healthcare City or give us a call.

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