
Social perspective By Dr. Tahir strategies for optimum living

Are you living to your full potential or merely dragging life to do it later while wasting time?

Modern world living needs day to day life and keeping up with the responsibilities and assigning priorities.

Children are the future of any society and at large civilization. On the one hand they are vulnerable but at the same time they can change the fate of the country and the world if they are guided properly. Now present-day society, as it is driven by rewards of money and fame. Its ambition is limitless, and the concept is money can buy anything, (which is questionable in many instances).

History witnessed that in any given time there is always a group of people who are the opinion leaders and eventually lead the world’s ideology, thinking process and set the tone.

Business without moral obligation/consideration has no role in improving the society or people’s lives. As the main objective is to gain money and money is power and control the market without considering if there is any negative impact on the society.

Currently, children at any given age through time have been attracted to novelties but the mindset is shaped by the thinking provided through interaction with adults at home, school, playground and social and religious events, etc.

Unfortunately, in the preceding decades of industrial revolution, this mind set had become not only a norm but considered progressive and modern. (Money talks).

Thus, leaders in technology envision the best-selling product and/or services are the way to go. Irrespective of their impact on the children and society, children and or their developments in the society in the form of having negative affect on moral values, increase in criminal types of incidents and making the world less secure and unsafe.

One example is the electronic technology and image display on the screen to the level of virtual reality that had actually attracted young immature minds very much to the point, it became nearly impossible to keep children away from their electronic devices like Phones, tablets, I pad, computers and other forms of virtual game playing instruments. This is not only addictive but also creates various other mental health issues like anxiety, mood fluctuations and others.

Childhood mind is very much driven with winning themes, showing supremacy on others and showing superiority in general. Now video games fulfil this to sometimes to the extent through the violent brutal scenarios on the screen and by practicing making it better, either by a joystick or other knobs to master that skill and technique and win the game and defeat either the virtual computer or the actual playing partner. Now by playing these types of violent themes and games of purposeful defeating action to the partners in game may be a kind of entertainments temporarily. But nevertheless, it is playing in the background, in the unconscious mind and helps in developing an ambitious, ruthless, and competitor child whose values are to gain success by hook or by crook and value less the real human feeling of empathy as well as helping others and following good moral characters.  The present-day world is relatively new to this concept and the generations has not reached to the level it can transform the whole world society and develop positive use of the technology instead of creating problems in immature minds, plus thanks to underdeveloped world where these instruments are less available and less affordable. However, the pace is very rapid, and it will not take more than couple decades when this can have sweeping effect on the world culture and lead to another kind of mind set world where success will be defined differently altogether from the human point of view and will lead to a different perspective.

Irony is as the living world become so comfortable but complex, the needs have increased, additionally the global village concept spreading information around the world in a split second is leading to the ideal lifestyle, (everybody wants to have everything). In order to get closer to that life and becoming super busy not only that everyone is running to find ways to get all the luxury, facility needs of life and this has become the symbol of success.

Historically it might have had some impact on the society mind set, but now it became the leading value in any culture and norms are changing.  This in turn leads to development of rapidly growing dissatisfaction and failure theme if someone is behind in getting these material things.  Moral values, ethical practices, helping others, feeling the pain of others, raising voice for the weak and poor and talking about justice in any area became less valuable and hence dragged way down the list of priorities.

Not only that, in business strategy it is imperative to produce bulk/returns which is well liked and sells. It does not matter to business groups how it can impact the end users like children, and how it will affect their personality development and impact lifestyle. Upbringing, childhood ideals, and social cultural values matter the most to shape the personality of any human being. These young minds are learning through observing and experiencing what is normal and acceptable to discover success criteria. With this comes the impatience, rapid mood swings, temporary happiness with small success and sadness with some minor virtual failure. Rapidly tipping and switching with minor changes on the Facebook post, twitter feeds can make or break someone’s day. Few not many negative experiences may lead to anxiety development for certain events and obsessively checking messages and repeat disappointment can further deteriorate someone’s already fragile mind.

Electronic media has its own pros as well, like spreading information, learning from others, standardizing certain professional levels, etc. But the harmful affect in terms of getting a generation full of ambitious competitions with mindsets of gaining success in terms of material gain, getting priority over human norms and moral obligations is dangerous.

Continued in Part II. Stay Tuned

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